The BOOK Sharon wrote for AMERICA...!

Marilyn Nelson said: "The Book is Good!

It is raw and personal. You've had quite a life! Finding God in this world is our Rock."

Find Sharon at the following address: 

AnsweredByFIRE-Corrie ten Boom Prepared Me For Now is available at $14.95+ s/h  Kindle book are now just $3.49 at Amazon.          (You need a Free Kindle to read it properly...) Its the best $15 you've ever spent! Its a memoir that starts in a dark place, and leads the writer to a winning life - God can do that for YOU, too!!      

Monthly Newsletters



Each month we produce a newletter with a helpful advice column, laugh-filled quotes, Encouraging articles & topics. They are FREE.  Click on Newsletters! Don't miss  "Locked In...In Paradise!" 4,500+ Clicks 

Victim of Abuse?  Or Bullying? Click Below


Words are containers that matter. Words can hurt.

Do Pedophiles Live Near Your Home?


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The Real Skinny About Abortion!


See People Change Before Your Eyes!



If you should DIE tonight, where would you go?  Is there a heaven to be won and a hell to shun...? You may say, "I'm okay " -  But ARE you? Check this out  

Sharon Jackson will be in 2022 Marquis Who's Who in America - going to colleges, libraries and professionals all over the world. She wrote a book for America.

Everyone Has Eyes On Isreal....
Do you have God's is. ISRAEL...! It's End of TIME! I convince of the OTHERS now..
April Newsletter (3).pdf
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Blessed Restoration..... a Coming Storm
Blessed Restoration is coming! A Storm is Coming everywhere. All over the world...!!!! It's a End of Time! Endtimes means chaos.... New World Order, new Digital Currency, 501 currency LOST, retirements LOST,and Antichrist Already....,
2024JanuaryNewsletter (17).pdf
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The Devil Goes To Church.....
He's not fighting our churches....He's joining churches!!! Devil twisted the theology of Bible TRUTH and he diminished of Worship TOO! He has Deceive to path of people...Jesus died for pretty people, He died for sinners...!
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They Planned It....ALREADY!
Voice of virologist of World Health Organization said to 2020-2030 planned viruses, and he said what they can call Pandemic.... Anytime!!!
October2023Newsletter (4).pdf
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Governor Ron DeSantis Has CLOUT
I'm concerned for future of America. Four issues: Digital Currency, Aliens, 3 Power Grids..nElon Musk. He says: "The humanity depends on us merging with machines." He's pushing Artificial Intelligence on us -I say it's ARTIFICIAL...!!!.
August2023Newsletter (1).pdf
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Are We Living In Noah's Days...?!?
Jesus warned the End of Time about Noah's Days would come AGAIN...People would distracted by our own lives ..going to football games and weddings, drinking in a bars n restaurants. We are distracted right NOW!!! We don't PAY attention what is happening to our culture....
June2023Newsletter (2).pdf
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Are YOU Wise or Foolish...? Example Here
We live in a broken world, surrounded by broken lives, broken relationships and a broken system.. The brokenness is seen in suffering, violence, death and poverty around us. Brokenness leads to search a way to make LIFE work....
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Where is Your Destiny...?
It is disturbing that people live in this world in the THEIR WORLD. .People should WAKE UP to what is happening ... Border Patrol nabbed 17 people (future assailants) on FBI Terror List at the southern border in DECEMBER, 2022. This is reperhensible -deserving of Condemnation!! Iranian national on Jan.23,2022 was arrested of the FBI terror watch list - was caught on the southern border...Their silence is complicitly to downfall of the USA.
2023JanuaryNewsletter (1).pdf
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You ARE a World-Changer....
You are authorized by God in Change YOUR world!!! I will change your mind about this! Do you know that we've had FIVE earthquakes this week? One in Belgium underneath a nuclear plant! Three in the USA...
November2022Newsletter (1).pdf
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Now is the Time- Prepare for Turmoil
Do you know that is coming right now?!? I believe in Bible prophecy and it's fulfilled before our eyes! Do you know about ONE volcano in Indonesia made summer into Winter? Do you know the Mississippi Rive ran backward a result of an earthquake? I give you a phtograph of the End of Time...
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You Just Have To Get Ready....NOW!
Do you know two UFO's have seen in the last ten days? I saw a big picture of it in the Northeast. Are you up to this...? Even believers are just not paying to attention to what is coming on the earth. Jesus said, the Endtimes would be like Noah's day! And Lot's too. Read this article and get Prepared~
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Secret? We Become What We Think About...Most of the Time!
A famous man said this - Dale Carnegie! This article is about Your Dreams and being happy. Now is the time to be happy! It is a strange time to be happy. but you can see in that article how you can be happy...! Also, I researched "My sheep hear my voice, and they follow me..." You don't want to miss it!
June2022Newsletter (4).pdf
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Night Cometh....The Culture War in The USA
Do you realize we are already in a War? It's Light versus Darkness. Right now, we have rumors of war in the world! The church has no voice....meantime the OTHER church entertains with transgender pastors! The REAL church is a remnant - God always has a remnant! Night is Coming to the entire world, but the Light of the Remnants will turn MANY to righteousness!
May2022Newsletter (5).pdf
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The Clock Is Ticking Murder...
I'm describing violence in the USA and the Timeclock for America - It is overdrawn! Fool's Day and Easter comes afterward! Did you know Apostle Paul said to avoid church people who don't really believe in the REAL God... and they don't obey the Commandments of LOVE either?
April2022Newsletter (2).pdf
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Are You A God?
People think they know God...but do they know the Real God? I will introduce to Him... He is Holy. and He is GREAT! We live in a broken world, with broken lives and broken relationships...not living up to God's standard. Zoe, the Greek word for salvation means "whole". Are you Whole?
March2022Newsletter (2).pdf
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Friends of Zion - I Am ONE!
Did you KNOW that Jesus is Jewish? Why does that concern YOU, Dear One? Because we need to love what God TREASURES.... and He treasures Israel- that's where Jesus is coming back to!
You will be surprised - and definitely Blow Your Mind with what you learn about digital information! And Corrie ten Boom, a War Hero of WWII, appears on this newsletter...
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Do You Have REST In These Trying Times...?
The entire world is in turmoil...Do you have peace right now, or Rest? This article will tell you how have REST and how to be Happy! Indeed.
January2022Newsletter (8).pdf
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Have A Merry Christmas....If You CAN!
This newsletter is not for the weak at heart...! Do you have depression or anxiety? It may be stressful, but it takes you to an article that lifts a street urchin to the professionals of the entire world. Corporations are affecting the daily life of Americans - not politics alone.
December2021Newletter (1).pdf
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WHO is Holding Back The Darkness...?
Are you passive...? Just being a good citizen...Hoping for the Best? Well, this article tells you what the COST to you is, in a runaway gov't. Founders of USA did not want gov't to have so much power to delegate our entire lives - in a pandemic This will affect every conservative and every citizen and especially children in only weeks and months. It identifies WHO is Holding Back the Darkness...You can join them or support them too....
October2021Newletter (1).pdf
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People Who Love God - Will Be In Hell?
Do you love God...? The acid test is whether you really Know Him and you Obey the gospel, in II Thessalonians 1:6-8. Jesus said 'few' would find the Right Path....'Many' would Not.
September2021Newletter (a).pdf
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"Love Changes Everything...Even YOU!
Is your life or family broken? You will be engaged on this article! It's how Real Love can do everything in your behalf and make you satisfied. It can only be found in our generation when you Love the Truth.
August2021Newletter (6)2.pdf
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Failure...and Dirty Windows
Do you view others as a failure in your mind? Or do you view yourself as a failure?
This article may change your mind about others or yourself too. Or not! But take a
a look at this topic in a new perspective...
June2021Newletter (5).pdf
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I Miss What It Could Have Become...!
Do you sometimes feel like an alien in this USA. Maybe this article explains 'why' you can feel like that! It's not what it used to be, nor is it what it could have become either! Why? Read this article and see if you agree WHY it has changed sooo much in the past few decades...
May2021Newletter (6).pdf
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Do You Make a Difference...?
This is a test article to grade yourself on making a difference! Whether you are grateful or selfish. Whether you leave a 'difference' when you leave the room. It defines real 'Love' as well. You will enjoy this particular article because it calls out failure and promotion in life.....
April2021Newletter (2).pdf
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When Disappointment Comes.....
What do YOU do when disappointment comes...? Do you just give up hoping for change? This newsletter will enlighten you what other people have successfully done to completely change their outlook and perspective about dreams and relationships too...
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"There is A Time For Everything..."...
Do you have roots and wings? You need them especially in the times we live!...Or - Do you love the Truth? It is fatal in the spiritual world if you don't...Read this newsletter and find out why. What time is it in your life? Freedom is not free- it is costly and has a bloody history...!
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....Does My Life Count?.....
Does Attitude truly limit your Altitude? Maybe so - it depends on how you look at life. Is it dismal, or optimistic? You DO have a choice in which one you have! But don't be Simple-Minded because BrainsMatter! You have to train your mind to really 'think' and schools are now threatened by new ideas....
Nov2020Newsletter (2).pdf
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What Has Your Attention.....Has YOU!
Do YOU need answers to this year's events...? And Hope? Sharon shares some wise stories to explain what is before our eyes. And how YOU can have purpose and peace in a 'New-Normal' World. And how God uses Broken People like you and me to RESCUE Broken People like
You and Me!
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Paradise....What Everyone Thinks About It.
Wanna know the future in the USA? HERE it is....! And it is an either/or situation. Can you imagine Wash. D.C. on burning down - before the election? Is Disaster headed our way? If so, we only have a few months to effectively address this issue!
June2020Newsletter (3).pdf
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Locked In....In Paradise! (This newsletter got almost 5,000 clicks.)
I live in Florida, and all the tourists feel it is Paradise with its Sunshine and white sandy Beaches! But how are YOU faring during the Lockdown....? Check yourself out in this introspective article! And anyway... How can you KNOW that you KNOW anything?
April2020Newsletter (1).pdf
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The Intruding Darkness - Are You Alright?
You haven't read words quite like these!... It's about Endtimes and WHY we find ourselves where we are as a nation and in the world, or perhaps personally too.. Where are You...? Is this information too much for you, and you just wanna follow the herd. Read and find out.
NewFebruary2020Newsletter .pdf
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Who Do You Think You Are.....?
What you think about yourself is most important. And what you've Thought about yourself in the past explains best where you find yourself today! How SHOULD you regard yourself...? This article will keep you from ever parking your mind at the door anymore. Brains Matter.
December2019Newsletter (5).pdf
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Deception is Hidden....Inside the Gospel
"The devil is not fighting religion; he's too smart for that. He is producing a counterfeit Christianity so much like the real one that good Christians are afraid to speak out against it." Sharon is not afraid...!
October2019Newsletter (3).pdf
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Have you ever been 'warned' about Love...?
This article does have a surprising warning, but it explains 'why' we must truly understand the Great Love of God that went into action when we found ourselves helpless to save ourselves!
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Turn Up The LIGHT
Are you someone who thinks all Christians should be reverent, quiet and silent? Well, Get Ready! This article will burst that bubble when you find what scripture says about the servants of God, and Jesus Himself. You are Welcome!
June2019-TurnUpTheLight (1).pdf
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"People Just Like Me..." Were In HELL
Christians visiting Hell? What? Why...? Reading these two astonishing accounts will blow your mind! But they are highly credible and you can decide for yourself if they are true.
May2019 (1).pdf
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When Was America GREAT...?
This topic goes to the root of the problem in the USA. Then it lays the blame right at the threshhold of the ones at fault... YOU don't want to MISS this article!
March2019 (5).pdf
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Take Your BRAIN With You....
Thoreau said, "There are 1000 hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." This Newsletter will identify the Root of the Problem in politics and society at large! You can be ONE that fights the right enemy...for the sake of your family and nation.
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The 3 Worst Words in The Bible
Where are those 3 words and how are they used? Find out in this article and picture your response to God's loving and searching eyes...YOU are chosen and His beloved, beyond 'special' to Him. Have Jehovah Witness neighbors or friends? Read 'Get the REAL thing!'
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Satan: How Did He GET You...?
This month's newsletter is outrageous and a bit radical. But perhaps it may answer questions of your own that have surfaced! Have you discovered Truth or just its counterfeit, Deception? Have you been abused, or do you know of someone who has? Send them this month's publication for it may have answers for them.
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....MURDER Is In The Air.....
What's the basis that some lawmakers have warned that civil war is coming to America. Is that possible? Sharon deftly explains. And, can you define fornication? God can....with pending results.
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Do You Know God?.........Acid Test Here!
Learn the "effects" of God Almighty living within You! Do you have them? Test whether you realy KNOW God, or....just know ABOUT Him. The stakes are HIGH....
MAY 2018 Newsletter.pdf
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Dare To Be UnCommon...
Are you a member of the "herd" like everyone else? Step out and step up to what you're really meant to be! This article tells you how! But Beware of is stifling to finding who you are!
Sept Newsletter.pdf
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"Killing Them With Kindness"
Are you for Real? Find out where the bottom line is! This article examines how people view spiritual matters, including God Himself. You may find that your view is - Much. Too. Small.
How do others view us... and how does it matter? That question is addressed too.
August Newsletter.pdf
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Whose Side Are YOU On...?
Are you faithful...? This article might surprise you who you are faithful to! It may even help you to discern truth from lies, even in watching daily newscasts. Come out of the herd, if you're there, and here's how to do so!
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What Will We Do Without America...?
A reality check for America here. Two Americas have emerged into a house divided that may very well fall. What can anyone do to delay or stop it? Perhaps Anne Frank said it best, "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
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WHO Shut The Door...!?
Do you yearn for Law & Order in our nation again...? Wanna understand 'why' there's such hostility in the air? Even in Congress? Sharon nails it for you in this month's Newsletter, and reveals just where the USA might be headed...
MayNewsletterA (1) (1).pdf
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The Clock Is Ticking MURDER!
What does it mean when 'hatred is in the air?' How does it affect You - and society at large?What TIME is it...? It's a new era in the world and in the church too. Find out 'why', and how to safeguard your loved ones!
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What I Don't Like About 'Love'
A shocking revelation about what counterfeits the Love of God in the Church - maybe yours! Don't miss Betty Klem's love story on the backside - Hear God speak our own role to others. Ask Agatha answers how we can KNOW if we really know God...!
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UnCommon Love
Do you know the Hound of Heaven...? Are you aware of the different kinds of love spoken of in scripture? This article is enlightening on how to receive - and GIVE - UnCommon Love!
JanNewsletter (1).pdf
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Dead People ARE Boring!
Yes, there were stars and lights and angelic choirs at the first Christmas - even without electricity. Discover why there are fewer lights, manger scenes and voices heralding Merry Christmas these days! And why deceived people think they are right! Also, how to beat depression.
DecNewsletter (2).pdf
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You Can Rest Assured! NovemberNewsletter
You'd. Better. Read This. You've never read words like this! Discover why good people may be in Hell. And why there's something that's very important to God!
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Whoever You Are - Be A Good One1
Are you good for something? Or just passive....and good for nothing? Find the answer and discover who YOU are in this month's edition...!
OctNewsletter-Whoever You Are Be a Good [...]
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Why Do The Heathen Rage...? Sept/Newsletter
What exactly IS a heathen, from Psalm 2:1, where scripture asks this question? And what does Music Appreciation have to do with "crime" or the lack of it? Find out this & MORE on what we can & must DO to restore our youth and America!
SeptemberNewsletterI (2).pdf
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What was the whole focus of Jesus' preaching while He was here? Why isn't the church following His example? What makes the church seem such an anemic voice in society? Find out here.
You don't want to miss this month's issue....because it might be true!
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#MiraclesMatter - May Newsletter
Miracles. Why don't we see them more? Read here WHY! David Ireland in his book, The Weapon of Prayer likens today's believers to being on one of 2 different kinds of ships - find out which one you're on...
AprilNewsletter (1).pdf
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How To Stir Up Love/AprilNewsletter
Is God's Love only 'warm & fuzzy' on a horizontal level with other believers? Or is it HOLY?
And if it's Holy, how does that kind of Love work itself out on a horizontal level? You'll find out from scripture itself in this month's Newsletter.
AprilNewsletter (1).pdf
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5 year Aniversary Edition - Avoid. Such. People.
Are you led by the Spirit or by gushy sentimentalism? This month will reveal a 'bleeding heart theology' in the church. So, always follow your heart - but take your brain with you!
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Big Picture Thinkers Sought
Views on America's future here - which view is yours? Will you be overwhelmed when the future comes flying at you, this year...? And, do you know Ashley - personally? Hope not!
FebruaryNewsletter (2).pdf
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We, The Sheeple/JanuaryNewsletter
Are you sheeplike? Scripture says we are. But why? Learn here and prepare to be surprised! And what does your 2016 look like? Find out from a fresh 'perspective.'
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Want a Preview of coming events in 2016? Take a look so you aren't overwhelmed when they get here!
Current events point to future suffering, But - Here is how to face the future with your head up and shoulders back...
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What is it that keeps us from sharing our faith? Are the reasons fear of others? Or
The true church is called a 'holy priesthood.' What do priests do, and what does God expect of them? Learn what it is we should be doing, and what a lot of Christians are not doing!
NovNewsletter (1) (1).pdf
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How to Know That You KNOW God.... Do YOU?
Faith in God is like discerning counterfeit money - You recognize the 'feel' is different than what scripture teaches. Find out this month, how to discern counterfeit beliefs & whether your belief is genuine!
OctNewsletter (2).pdf
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How did Jesus describe today's believers? Are you different than them, or just a member of the herd? What is God looking for, in you...? Find out in this month's edition.
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What's Your Pleasure...?/August Newsletter
Wanna know why true revival hasn't come to America...or to your church? Find out why in this month's edition, and also why it is Biblical that everyone groans these days! Plus what to do about New Age neighbors.
ewsletter (1) (1).pdf
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Wanna be Happy? SHOULD a believer BE Happy? Find out here! What happens when a nation shuts out God from daily life and the marketplace? The results sound amazingly familiar...and how does one properly parent adult children?.Don't miss this month's articles!
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Will God Forgive America Like Nineveh - Better Read THIS!
Believers are all over the map on what to believe about America! Sharon searches out God's own agenda and shares it here, and bids readers to 'get with the program' of what He is doing. To set their 'minds' on life and not death! And to wake up to what is going on across our land!
IsAmericaLikeNineveh-JuneNewsletter (2) [...]
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Home Before Dark-MayNewsletter
Learn how to pick your battles in life & make the right choices! Did God promise believers their families would be used in the coming darkness...? That our children are not ordinary? You'll be inspired when you see how and where.
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Don't get caught in the coming storm...Get Prepared!
Many say 2015 may be a tumultuous year. Put your finger on the pulse of what's really happening, and may well happen sooner than we all think!
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This month's newsletter is either brilliant, or ridiculous! You choose. But whatever you do, don't fail to read it. It has time-sensitive information that can change your thinking!
PretendToTheEnd-March Newsletter.pdf
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Thinking On Your Feet - February Newsletter
Can you make decisions on the fly? Or do you have to HANG UP first...? Assess whether you are Wise of Otherwise and why it's important!
FebruaryNewsletter (1).pdf
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What To Do When You're Drowning
Critics say America is doomed. Is she? Read this month's newsletter to find out the real answer! And what does a video of a moon-walking bear in a basketball game mean, anyway.
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Lost in transition...?
Realize anew how God can used flawed vessels - well known believers - so there's hope for YOU and Me! And just what IS the right way to welcome gays into the church...? Is there a 'right' way? What's wrong with our country, that no one stands against greed & corruption, anywhere?
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Is 'Numb' The New Normal...?
Reconciling mind-numbing news events. How can we know what is 'true' in our world? Also, what is it that holds our insides in? Read this revealing discovery beyond DNA...
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READ. THIS. NOW! Wonder what's happening to our nation? Why the big mess? Answers are here and also what YOU can do about it. Better get started, Friends...Time may be shorter than we think!
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Are you one who hears muted rumblings that spell 'crisis' for our nation and possibly even the world? If you're looking for answers, you may find some in this months newsletter. And, what do you do with those folks who think they're 'alright', no matter what...?
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Shut Up and LOVE - A message from God to Me!
Do you ever see injustice and agonize to right the situation...? To fix it somehow, or at least address the matter? Then, this month's newsletter may well give you new insight into God's view on the situation. Learn about His 'agent of change' and how He speaks to us!
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Break The Cycle of Fear - May Newsletter
The future is headed our way fast and furiously...Here's how YOU can be a part of the solution, and not a part of the problem in future events. A candid approach to the future you don't want to miss!
BreakTheCycle-AprilNewsletter (1).pdf
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Part II of Ready or Not, 'Pockets of Glory' April Newsletter
Last month's newsletter focused on insoluable problems facing Americans. Many feel dreary & hopeless about the future. Now, find fresh hope in what God sees in our future...Miracles!
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Ready Or Not - The Future is coming at us. In the March Newsletter you'll be astounded at what's NEW in just the past five years!
THIS Newsletter will grow hair on your chest! It is Part One of a Two Part series regarding the future. Stay tuned for Part Two and look for Miracles!
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Occupied Territory/FebNewsletter- How to be your own person!
Want to know how our lives get out of control? And what to do when it happens?
You may have a 'legal' problem...! But you yourself can slam that door shut...
Read and find out what the issues are.
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Is 2014 the year of the Church? It depends a lot on YOU...
How will true harmony be realized in a church so well, divided? This article reveals how that agreement comes... Read it and be amazed!
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Wanna Know The Future? Here it is! Plus YOUR Role In It!
When life seems upside down, or out of control, do you wonder where things are headed? Your answer may well be inside this newsletter! But more than that, you'll find direction & peace in any storm.
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I'm Dreaming Of... Mediocrity? WHO Aspires To Mediocrity?
Is YOUR life mediocre? Find out here! You were destined for more than 'Common'. Learn why public education has failed to summon students to greatness, but have consigned them to mediocre lives
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The Comforter Has COME
People who are deceived don't know they are deceived, because they are deceived. Those who don't embrace truth soon shed their meaningless lives needlessly! Yet there is a very present help...
OctNewsletter-TheC omforterHasCOME.pdf
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How Can Evil Look So Good?
Iowa supporters for governor hold public prayer for support of a woman's "freedom of choice." Their objective is that abortion would thrive! They are sincere...So was Adolph Hitler - sincerely wrong.
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Will Good People Be In Hell...?
The High Cost of Good Men Doing Nothing! How Dead Ends & Poor Decisions Are Related - Especially in Money!
August RainDancing101.pdf
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A Foreboding of the Future
Bono and Elliot - In Total Tandem! Dept. of Defense List of Terrorists - Guess WHO tops the list? Advice Column: Misguided People are NOT God's Fault
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Written by Sharon

at the birth of her Grandson,

November 28, 1993







        - Small Hands -


A hand so holy touching mine,

Surely a gift of God, divine.

What wonder is the moment when

We know this one is next of kin.

A gift to hold and treasure now,

His future waits; we know not how.

But it's enough that God is there

To meet us with concerns we bear.

He too, one time, has marveled at

Small hands and arms and head to pat.

So innocent, so free from care...

Who knew this one our sins would bear?

A saviour came; a King they sought,

But with His blood, our lives He bought...

Remember this the next time you

Think God is there, but end up blue.

God looks down and sees our call,

We just think we know it all.



"Trust in the Lord with all thy heart,

Lean not to thine own understanding.

Acknowledge Him in all thy ways,

And He shall direct they paths."

Proverbs 3:4-6